Monday, 28 May 2018

Here Is What You Should Do For Health Insurance

Choosing the right kind of health Insurance is not easy. It takes a lot of patience and time in order to really figure out the best kind of health insurance that would work for you.

When people choose their health insurance, often times they are quite misinformed and they do not know the basic rules to follow while they are looking for a plan. This article will focus on a few key things that you must know and follow religiously before you set out on your journey to find the best health insurance plan in the market.

There are different motives for everyone to buy health insurance. One of the most common motives for people to buy insurance these days is to save tax. However what they do not understand is the necessity to invest in a comprehensive and sustainable medical health insurance plan. With the ever increasing health care costs, there is more reason now to buy health care than ever. The more you delay, the more time wins its game against you.

Few Things To Remember Before You Invest:
  1. Individual HealthCare:

      1. You may think that is unnecessary for you to invest in an individual plan for yourself because your company is covering you with insurance, but that is not the right way to do things. Even if there is an insurance cover from your company, that is limited in its own ways and it should be the end all and be all of your life. Get a plan B.
  2. Choosing the Correct “Sum”:When you are choosing a sum of money that you would like to have for yourself, you must keep the cost variation factor in mind. If you are living in a small city now, you may need too much coverage but if later you decide to move to a larger city where the costs are tremendous, you may not benefit from your declared “Sum”. Religare health insurance provides you with proper consultation regarding this.
  3. Getting Covered Early:
    It is imperative to cover yourself with a good policy before your turn 40. Religare health insurance provides a lot of great plans for people who are early birds which you can certainly use to leverage towards your health insurance coverage goals.
  4. Lifetime Renewability:
    You must think long term and not just short term. Therefore if you are not getting before for a lifetime, don’t bother signing the papers. If you are paying for the services, you might as well pay for something that is much more worthwhile and long lasting.
  5. Reputed Insurance Provider:
    If you go for the most important decision of your life, it is only crucial that you select the best brand for the job. Religare health insurance is one of the best names in health insurance and has been that way for a long time.
There Are Several Reasons Why You Should Consider Religare Health Insurance:
  • The organization offers excellent health care plans for families (covering 6 members)
  • Religare health insurance can provide high cost expense coverage for a period of 30 days and up to 60 days before hospitalization period
  • The person who is insured under Religare can avail free health checkups at any time. 
  • There are a long list of pre-existing diseases that are covered after a survival period of minimum 4 years
  • The Religare health insurance policies are all lifelong renewable, therefore you would not have to worry if you get hit by any contingency that may strike during any emergency. 
  • Religare has a great health care legacy which is because the brand is backed up by a strong and well established group of medical health care units.
  • The company also has an extremely wide hospital network therefore you need not have to bother about distance too much in order to get there for treatment.
  • Religare has a very simple and well laid out insurance claim process which makes it very easy for insured people to claim their money and benefits during need.
  • Lastly, the company is well known for providing a great range of amazing products that you could use to your advantage not just in India but also globally.
Now that we have spoken about the things you must about health care plans, you are ready to choose the health insurance plan that best suits you. It is certainly a little overwhelming at first, but when you make the right choice, you will have no regrets. A choice that you will make today will determine how you will position yourself in times of dire contingencies and emergencies. Hence, it’s very crucial to plan ahead and plan well. That is the best approach for any insurance plan that you would go for.

Also Visit: Policybazaar youtube

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Do You Know The Inclusions And Exclusions Of Your Bike Insurance Policy?

Many people are not aware of the features of their insurance policy and they assume that having a policy is enough to take care of all the problems in future. This approach can put you in lots of troubles in future as you need to understand that your policy will not offer coverage for every damage that happens to your vehicle. Every policy will have its own exclusions and you have to understand them carefully while buying the bike insurance policy from the market. In simple terms, exclusions means the situations under which coverage will not be given to the vehicle under the policy. This will be clearly mentioned in the policy document. In the same manner, inclusions will also be mentioned and you have to choose the policy based on what is mentioned in this section. In simple terms, inclusions means the coverage offered to your vehicle and you can get to understand them after reading the policy document. When you have a clear understanding about these factors, you will not be under any false assumption and this will help you to plan your insurance purchase in the proper manner. You will be able to get the best policy suited for your individual needs. 

Why is it important to know about inclusions and exclusions?
When you are aware of the features of your bike insurance policy, you will not make any mistakes in selecting the best option for your vehicle. All the features offered by the plan will be covered in the inclusions section and this means that you will be covered for the risk factors mentioned in this section. In the same manner, the exclusions section will contain all the situations and risk elements that will not be offered coverage by the policy. This will keep you alert about the risks of choosing such plans for your vehicle. In this way, you will know what you are exactly getting for the money you are spending on the insurance plan. 

Consider the situation when you are not aware of all these factors and you blindly choose the best selling plan in the market. In this way, you may not get what you exactly need and the exclusions may be your exact requirement in future. This means that you will effectively be paying money for nothing and your entire investment in the insurance policy will not yield any results for your security in future. If your intention is to get protection for your bike and you end up choosing a third party coverage that only offers coverage for third party damage, your entire policy will be waste when it comes to covering damages for your own vehicle. For this reason, you should be completely aware about the inclusions and exclusions of any insurance plan. 

Inclusions of bike insurance: Third Party Coverage
  • Includes coverage for damage to third party vehicle. 
  • If the third party is injured or dies during the accident, coverage will be given for such issue. 
  • When there is damage to third party property, coverage will be given under the bike insurance policy. 
Exclusions of bike insurance: Third party Coverage
  • When the damage is done to your own vehicle, coverage will not be given and you have to pay the entire amount for repairs from your pocket. 
  • When there is damage due to non-collision, coverage will not be given. 
  • Any sort of damage to your own vehicle will not be provided. 
Inclusions of Comprehensive Coverage
  • When you have a comprehensive bike insurance policy, you will get coverage for damage to your own bike as well as third party vehicle. 
  • You can even claim compensation for loss of vehicle due to natural disasters and manmade calamities. 
  • You will also be getting legal third party liability during accident situation. 
Exclusions of comprehensive coverage
  • You will not get compensation for general wear and tear of the vehicle. 
  • In common cases, mechanical and electrical breakdown will also not be covered by the plan. 
  • When the damage is done due to war or nuclear attack, coverage will not be given to the bike. 
Why is it important to compare different plans?
It is very important to compare different plans available in the market so that you can choose the most suitable option for your bike. Different bikes have different requirements and what is suited for a regular bike will not be suitable for an expensive sports bike. In the same manner, the requirements of new bike will be different from that of an old one. In this situation, it makes sense to compare all the plans so that you will have clear understanding about what is suited for your bike. You can even use the services of online portals to know about the bike insurance policy before you buy them. It is also possible to buy them online using their services. 

Apart from that, you can even get in touch with your insurance advisor to know about all these plans. They can guide you properly and help you to select the best option that gives adequate coverage at cost effective price. There is no need to depend on expensive options when you are able to choose your policy in this manner. Remember that you can even get good discount when you compare all the available options in the market. 

Important Note
You must be aware that most policies do not offer coverage when the vehicle is used outside of the geographical area of coverage. In standard terms, you will only get coverage from your bike insurance policy when the vehicle is used within India. Similarly, when you drive the vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs and any damage happens to third party or your own vehicle, coverage will not be given by the policy. In the same manner, when you drive the vehicle without valid license, you will not get any compensation from the insurance company. Be aware of these standard exclusions and save yourself from lots of troubles in future.

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Discover The Perks Of Having Zero Depreciation Cover For Your Bike

Every vehicle will start losing value due to depreciation factor. The rate for the depreciation is standard for all bikes and it mainly depends on the age of the vehicle and its overall condition. Going by the standard rates, you can assume that any vehicle will lose about 10% of its value on an annual basis. In this way, a five year old bike will only have about half of its original value in the market. In simple terms, the protection offered by the insurance company will only be based on the market value of any vehicle. For this reason, you should always try to preserve the value of your bike to its maximum potential. This can be done when you have the best two wheeler insurance that comes with zero depreciation protection. This will preserve the market value of your bike for as long as you have this cover. In normal cases, this will be offered for new bikes for the first few years from the purchase date. This is a good option for expensive and new bikes as you will get the best coverage for them in future.

Coverage for plastic, nylon, fiber glass and rubber components
In normal cases, the coverage for any bike will be given based on the market value of the vehicle. This market value will be considered after discounting the depreciation of the individual parts of the vehicle. When it comes to plastic, nylon, fiber glass and rubber components, the depreciation factor will be very huge and you will only get about half of their original value for the insurance coverage. This can easily be avoided by including the zero depreciation add on cover for the two wheeler insurance policy. This can help you to get better valuation for your vehicle in the long run. When your vehicle is involved in any accident, the damage for all these components will be compensated fully as there will be no depreciation for the first two years.

Your vehicle will get the best coverage from insurance company
The insurance companies always factor the depreciation of all the components separately while giving coverage for any vehicle. This can drastically reduce the market valuation of the vehicle and you will not get coverage for the entire purchase value of your two wheeler. This can be avoided when you choose the comprehensive coverage plan with the zero depreciation add-on cover. In this way, the depreciation will not be applied for the initial two years from the purchase date and you will be able to get complete compensation that is close to the purchase value of your two wheeler.

Reduces expenses for repairs
If your vehicle gets damaged in future due to an accident or other mishap, you will have to spend money to get it repaired. When you have the comprehensive two wheeler insurance policy with zero-depreciation cover, you will be able to claim complete compensation for all the damages to your vehicle. This can drastically reduce your expenses towards repairs and you will not have any issues with regards to claiming this compensation. The insurance company will not factor the depreciation for the two wheeler when this add-on is chosen for the vehicle.

Coverage is available twice
The zero depreciation cover is available as an add-on option for the comprehensive insurance plan. You can use this twice during the entire tenure of the plan and this is a good option for many bike owners. They can get the best coverage for the vehicle and protect it against various damages in future. You can easily choose this add-on option for the new bike and this will be available for the first two years. It is possible to renew the plan after the first year with the same add-on coverage option for the two wheeler insurance policy.

Best policy for expensive bikes
When you have a sports bike or any other expensive bike, it makes sense to protect them with the best two wheeler insurance plan. You will be glad to know that you can now comfortably add the zero depreciation cover and increase the coverage for your expensive bikes. Remember that most of the modern bikes have fiberglass components that lose lot of value due to market depreciation factor while getting coverage from the insurance policy. The zero depreciation cover protects these components by providing them with complete coverage for the first two years. In this way, it becomes very easy to maintain the expensive bikes in perfect condition without spending too much money on repairs. You can choose to pay a slightly higher rate of premium for the regular comprehensive insurance plan and add the zero depreciation cover.

Ideal option for new bikes
The zero depreciation cover is available only for the first two years from the date of purchase of your bike and you should get the maximum coverage for your bike during this period. All you need to do is to choose the comprehensive two wheeler insurance plan that has the zero depreciation cover to protect your bike from market depreciation. This can give you the best returns in the long run when your bike or scooter gets damaged due to any mishap. You can claim complete compensation for all the damages and this will help you to restore the two wheeler to its original condition.

Zero depreciation as an add-on cover for comprehensive policy
The regular comprehensive insurance plan will not give you complete coverage for various components of the bike. In this regard, you can choose the zero depreciation add-on cover by paying additional amount of premium. The amount you pay will be very less when compared to the benefits you can get from this cover in future. For this reason, you should always make it a point to choose this option as it gives you better protection and you can drive your two wheeler without worrying about various problems. You can even get the best service from the network garages when you need them for repairs and other services.

7 Benefits Of Two Wheeler Insurance Policy

There are many benefits of having a proper two wheeler insurance policy for your bikes and scooters. Remember that it is mandatory to have at least a minimum of third party coverage for every vehicle and not having them can lead to serious problems. The traffic police can impose penalty and you can even be jailed for not having proper insurance coverage for your vehicle. It can help you a lot when you are involved in an accident situation and all the third party liabilities will be handled with the policy. You can rest assured that your vehicle will be protected in case of any damage in future when you have the comprehensive insurance coverage. This can even offer coverage for theft and other incidents that lead to complete loss of vehicle. In this way, your investment will be protected when you have the best insurance plan for your vehicle.

Gives peace of mind
Without having proper insurance, your vehicle can be seized by the police and they will also impose severe penalties. These things get complicated when your vehicle is involved in a mishap and it is found that you are not having proper insurance. You should also be aware of the fact that you can be jailed when your vehicle does not have proper insurance. To avoid all these headaches, you can easily choose the two wheeler insurance policy from reputed companies and enjoy a comfortable ride in future. You need to understand that it does not cost too much money and you will get to enjoy lots of benefits in the long run with a good insurance cover.

Provides third party liability coverage
You can never be sure about an accident happening to your vehicle on the road. In some cases, even you may hurt someone while you are driving and this leads to various legal hassles. In this situation, you are liable to pay the compensation for the losses caused by your vehicle to the third party life and property. If someone is critically injured due to your fault, you will also have to compensate the medical expenses and this will be decided by the Motor Tribunal Court. The best way to get coverage for third party liability is to use the two wheeler insurance policy as it offers protection for the policy holder in this situation.

Compensates vehicle damage due to accident
When you have the comprehensive insurance coverage for your two wheeler, you can get compensation even for the damage done to your own vehicle during an accident. This is a good option when your bike is still new or when you have an expensive vehicle. The premium for this policy will be slightly more than the one for third party coverage. However, it gives additional benefits and it is the best two wheeler insurance policy for new bikes and scooters. This can help you to restore your vehicle to the original condition and you will get complete benefits out of the insurance policy in this situation.

Provides personal accident coverage
After having the suitable insurance policy for your vehicle, you should also focus on getting personal coverage as this will help you to get medical treatment without spending any money from your pocket. For this reason, many people depend on their personal accident cover offered by life insurance plans. However, it is possible to get additional personal accident coverage along with third party coverage with the regular comprehensive two wheeler insurance policy. You can discuss your requirements in this regard with the service providers and choose the suitable option that provides the best benefits in the long run.

Provides coverage during man-made calamities
There are chances that your vehicle can get damaged due to fire accidents or other man-made calamities. In this situation, you will have no control over the damage that can happen to your vehicle. How often have you heard that vehicles get damaged due to riots and other violence in public? In this situation, you will be able to claim compensation when you have a comprehensive two wheeler insurance policy for your vehicle. This is the best way to protect your vehicle from various damages in future. Remember that a fire accident can result in total loss of your vehicle and you can get complete compensation as per the market value of your vehicle at that period.

Provides coverage during natural disasters
It has become very common in recent years to see vehicles getting damaged due to storms and heavy rains. In this situation, you need not have to bear the damages on your own as the insurance policy can offer suitable coverage even for damages done due to natural disasters. This is a huge relief for millions of vehicle owners as they will be able to use their two wheelers without worrying about all these issues. These are things that are beyond anybody’s control and you need to have adequate protection for such problems.

Provides compensation for theft
If your vehicle gets stolen, you need not have to bear the loss completely when you have comprehensive cover for the two wheeler. The insurance company will provide compensation that is equivalent to the market value of your vehicle. This can reduce your financial burden by a huge margin and you can buy a replacement vehicle in future. The procedure to claim insurance is very simple and you can get the best guidance from professional insurance advisors. After registering a complaint with the police, you need to submit the relevant documents to the insurance company. They will wait for the no trace certificate from the police and then provide compensation for the loss of your vehicle.

In this manner, there are many benefits of choosing insurance coverage for your vehicle. Make sure that you compare all the plans available before you select the best one for your two wheeler. You can even visit the online portals and buy the policy by providing all the relevant details about your two wheeler. This can save time and you can even get the best discounts for the insurance policy.

Thursday, 17 May 2018

5 Simple Tips for Using Insurance Company Online Renewal

Insurance today is evolving more than ever before. There is so much going on in the industry now that it is quite hard to keep track of the fast paced industry. In today’s world there are a lot challenges that are presented to any individual who is not having an insurance coverage. Insurance is becoming mandatory day by day.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Here Is A Quick Cure For Insurance Company Online Renewal

Digital India is changing how everything works! In the case of insurance, it must be said that many of these changes are for the better. Along with making it possible to access all of your policies online, many companies have now made it possible to pay your premiums online, make your payments automatically, and even renew your insurance online!

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Top 5 Tips with Car Insurance Renewal

Car insurance or bike insurance is mandatory by the Government of India for anyone who owns a vehicle for transportation. The buying of a car insurance plan from any car insurance company has been made compulsory and is a type of security measure taken by the insurer.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Why To Renew Your Mediclaim On Time

Medical insurance is one of the priorities that all individuals should take in order to protect not only themselves but those near and dear to them. Medical insurance provides a safety plan for individuals to help them and their family members financially during times of emergency.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Save Your Returns from Falling Interest Rates

FD interest rates have been below the 7 % mark till quite some time now. A small appreciation was seen with SBI hiking the maximum FD interest rate to 6.9% just recently and other banks are expected to follow soon.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

5 Things to Know Before Renewing National Insurance

National Insurance, a public-sector insurance company is one of the oldest insurance companies that cater to both rural and commercial insurance sectors. They cover everything from health, motor, travel insurance and so on.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Renew Your Insurance Before It Lapsed

Not all policies are valid for lifetime. Thus have to be renewed once the validity of the policy nears the end date. So before the validity is over and the insurance lapses one must have national insurance renewal.

Various plans are purchased by an individual. One should always renew national health policy. Renewing is not hard at all. Checking a couple of things before renewal is enough to get the right benefits.

Renewing national insurance will protect everyone’s interest. This is why most people get their insurance renewed before it gets relapsed.

Renewing Insurance To Protect Every Interest

The steps for national insurance renewal are easy and can be performed by anyone. The processing time of renewing policies are also much less these days. Within minutes one can renew insurance.

Before national insurance scheme renewal, one should check a few things. The factors one should go through are discussed below. Once after reviewing the few elements, you can renew it in no time.

To check appropriately one should go through all the terms and conditions along with various other details. The details are mentioned below for further understanding.

Updates About One’s Health Before Renewal

In health insurance, the primary factor is the health of the insurer. So one should be well aware of his or her health condition. Before national insurance renewal, this update is vital to both the insurer and the insurance firm.

In this part, an insurer should inform the company about the health condition. If any new thing developed which affected the health, then one must tell. Otherwise, the policy might be of no use when the time arrives.

To avail all the benefits one must inform about it. If a person wants to close instead of national policy renewal, then that must also be notified. To close one must report about it to the company 30 days before the policy expires.

Premiums Of A Policy

Premiums are significant. A person has to pay it so that it stays valid. It is a way to show the commitment towards the insurance.

All receipts should be kept handy. That is proof that an individual will use the policy when the time comes. All dues and things like that should be cleared within the given time before national plan renewal.

These premiums paid shows that a person will use it if ever such a time comes. This is why all dues and premiums should be cleared before the national insurance renewal.

Grace Period If One Fails To Renew Policy

Everywhere grace period is given. It is merely an extension given to a person to complete some work which one couldn’t do it before. The national insurance renewal also has a grace period if not renewed before time.

Generally, the grace period given is fifteen days. But the number of days in the grace period varies from company to company. Not only that, even different policies come with a separate grace period.

Before national insurance scheme renewal, one should know the expiration date of the plan. One should also know the grace period in case the person misses the deadline.

Portability Of A Policy

Portability in the world of insurance plays a crucial part. Before national insurance renewal, one should always be clear about the portability of the policy. Flexible portability options can save a lot of hassle.

If an individual needs then during national insurance policy renewal one can upgrade or change. One can improve to have better protection than the one an individual has now. This is why portability option should be there.

Even a person's portability option should be so flexible that one can switch providers. The opportunity will help in protecting the money which one would lose without flexible portability. This comes in handy when renewing policies of national insurance.

A Few Other Things To Remember

Other than all the points mentioned from the start of this article, a few more one should remember. This will help with national insurance renewal.
  • No one can claim insurance between expiry date and date for renewing plans of national coverage
  • If one doesn't pay the amount for renewal with grace period that it will be a lapsed policy
  • If one cannot restore the policy, the proper explanation can be demanded from insurance company
  • If one chooses portability option, then benefits will be provided from continued policy
The schemes renewal of national insurance process is efficient and straightforward. This helps a customer to renew it quickly and understand all the terms and conditions offered to them. If a person keeps everything mentioned above on their mind policy renewal is simpler than grocery shopping.

All national insurance renewal should be completed before the expiry date. If date expires then must be done within the grace period offered. The continuation will help in covering all the unforeseen events.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Compare And Calculate Your Bike Insurance Premium Online

An insurance plan that covers the damages that can occur to your two-wheeler motor is called a bike insurance or a two-wheeler insurance. The plans protect your vehicle from any kind of unforeseen incidents like theft, accident or any natural disaster. An ideal plan should defend the insured against liabilities arising from injuries.

Pariwar Mediclaim Plus by National Insurance Company

We’re people who value our families more than anything in the world. We maintain strong emotional ties with our families throughout our lives, accepting the responsibility to keep them happy and healthy with a smile. To the people that embody the essence of the word ‘Pariwar,’ National Insurance Company’s Pariwar Mediclaim Plus Policy is a highly useful product.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

5 Common Mistakes To Avoid While Buying Car Insurance

What goes through your mind when you look at, let’s say, a Reliance car insurance advertisement? Or just vehicle insurance, in general?

The Indian Road Safety Act demands that every car owner buys at least a basic policy for certain risks. And yet, more than 60% vehicles (including cars, bikes, and scooters) in India are not covered by any insurance. Ever think why?